EMDR Therapy
What is it?
If you are feeling haunted by the past, EMDR may be able to help unlock these memories and free you from the pain they cause. EMDR has the ability to rapidly take the “sting” out of painful memories. Many distressing memories contain sensory content such as sights, sounds, smells, taste, or other body based sensations that can be overwhelming to remember. Many people experience trauma related triggers which affect their enjoyment of relationships, work, and even hobbies they used to love. EMDR can help you re-align.

Get your fire back.
Share your gifts and purpose with the world.
Reclaim who you really are.
Enjoy your relationships again.
Stop being held back from the past. ‘

Learn More About EMDR
EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. EMDR utilizes rapid eye movements and bilateral awareness to resolve trauma related symptoms caused by traumatic or disturbing memories. This means that reminders of the past and associated triggers will no longer cause flashbacks, panic, or significant distress.
EMDR also reduces negative beliefs that you hold about yourself, increases your positive beliefs, and increases your confidence to handle stressful situations in the future. EMDR can be tailored to fit your needs.
What Can EMDR Help With?
- Trauma/PTSD
- Sexual Assault
- Emotional dysfunction
- Depression
- Phobias
- Somatic Disorders
- Eating Disorders
- Body Image Issues
- Addiction
- Recovering from Abuse/Domestic Violence
- Grief & Mourning
- War Trauma
- Dissociation
- Anxiety & Panic
- Performance Enhancement
- Handling Conflict
- Improving your Relationships
EMDR is Based in Science
EMDR is an extensively researched therapy for trauma and PTSD. EMDR is recognized as an effective therapy for PTSD by:
Department of Veteran Affairs and DOD (2004)
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (Foa et al., 2009)
American Psychiatric Association (APA 2004)
U.K. National Institute for Clinical Excellence (2005)
Cochrane Database Reviews (2007)
Australian Center for Posttraumatic Mental health (2007)
SAMHSA (2011)
California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare (2010)
WHO guidelines for treating PTSD (2013)
Check out this podcast episode where I talk about all things EMDR!
Client Portal & Referral Form
Our fax number has changed to 719-434-9867

Contact The CC
If you'd like to get started with us, please fill out the form below and our administrative assistant Owen or one of our therapists will reach out to you within 24-48 business hours! We are available by appointment only for outpatient therapy appointments.